Article | 5 Top Designers Imagine the Workplace of 2040


Full article at FastCompany or as a pdf download below.

Design Principal, Jaron Lubin, participated in FastCompany's exercise to envision the world and workplace of the future.  

Part of Fast Company‘s Work in 2040 package, which examines work culture, the nature of people management, artificial intelligence and data, and even how global warming will affect your 9-5 in 2040, Fast Company invited five top designers and architects to imagine what the office design 20 years in the future might look like. Each unique response imagines a vision of the possible world that could await us in the near future.

Titled An Office with Streets in the Sky Lubin describes his overall concept for a more connected future.

"The physical relationship between working, living, and playing will become more fluid—which will be more consistent with our culture." 

 See the full article and sketches at FastCompany or download pdf below. 

Published in Media on January 29, 2020